ROI Systems Method

How To Ensure You Don’t Go Over Budget or Miss Deadlines While Getting the Right Results. 

A Seven (7) Step Process to Efficient and Cost-Effective System Design and Integration

The challenge with most engineering projects is balancing the need to get the perfect final result while also staying in budget and on time.  Unfortunately, getting all three is elusive for many companies. 

The reason most companies struggle is that they don’t have a good method from the start to get them where the ultimately need to be.  We developed the ROI Systems Method through years of trial and error and found the way to ensure you can have all three… the right result, on time and on budget.

The first three (3) phases are Project Assessment, Project Roadmap, and Detailed Design and each have review procedures.  These phases allow all parties, (board members, C-level executives, etc.), to stay in the loop as well as have the opportunity to validate progress prior to moving to the next phase. Budget and pricing become clearer for all parties as we travel through this process and method together.

ROI Systems Method - Project Assessment - Project Roadmap - and more

The 7 phases of the ROI Systems Method are: 

1. Project Assessment

We start with the conceptual design phase that ensure everyone takes the time to evaluate the customer/client need in order to help design a scope of work and a systematic plan of attack.  

A technical deep dive assists on moving the project efficiently from the start, saving time and money in the short term and long terms. 

Most companies miss this initial phase causing project delays from miscommunication and many change orders based on scope creep.

2.  Project Roadmap

Once the Project Assessment is complete, we move to the next phase, Project Roadmap.  This is the preliminary design phase.  

Here we complete feasibility studies through expert engineering practices to allow for a preliminary design.  Completing the feasibility study allows for a more realistic cost analysis for completion of build.

3.  Detailed Design

The Details Design phase is the final engineering package including all schematic designs, software designs, cad designs, machine designs and technical writing documents.

This is the final stage with review procedure with all key stakeholders to ensure the project will deliver what is promised on time and on budget.

4.  Specialized Production

Valerity has the ability to completely fabricate a product from concept to a finished product within the final supplied specifications of the Detailed Design phase.

With our engineering staff overseeing the fabrication, we can ensure real time decision-making to be made on any tolerance questions as well as any manufacturing print clarities, saving time and money in the process.

5.  Customized Testing

In this phase, we customize factory and site acceptance testing to facilitate successful human to machine interface. 

Valerity completes and/or oversees any testing including the generation of testing documents.

6.  Supervised Installation

In the Supervised Installation phase, we oversee any mechanical or electrical installation of final product at the final equipment location. 

Being on premise to assist with installation questions or schematic understanding is key to a successful equipment install.  Valerity is there with you to further ensure project success.

7.  On-site Success

This commissioning phase allows us to completely test and adjust after site installation.  This last phase in our method guarantees a smooth transition from client to customer. Operation and maintenance training will enable the end user to feel comfortable and knowledgeable with the final product delivery.

The ROI Systems Method ensures the success and ROI of your next engineering project.  If you'd like to learn more, contact us below to set up a call.

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